Reply to post: Re: If I paid £600 for a handset

Apple CEO Tim Cook: Email keyword sniffing? We'd NEVER do that!

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: If I paid £600 for a handset

I'm fine if they show me ads. I'm fine, if, for example, I search for "hotels in Paris", and they show me paid ads about hotels in Paris.

I'm not so happy if they collect all of my actions (especially private data like emails), store them for as long as they like, try to correlate everything, and then sell those informations without a full consent.

And when I look for "hotel in Paris" they use all of those data to ensure I pay the highest price they can calculate I will pay, using all those data against me, and showing me skewed search result to ensure I won't access lower rates.

Those are two very different business models.

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