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Herbie goes to a hackathon: Mueller promises cheatware fix


First: My understanding is that modern cars essentially have a "software defined engine". That is defined by a bunch of functions essentially defined by interpolation of data arrays.

No secret magic, evil, coding to detect it's under test. You tell the car it's under test as with only one set of (drive) wheels turning it would otherwise lock up. Given the one axle dynamometers that they decided to use. VW just slipped in a different set of functions when under test. A planet of 200 nations or whatever, has testing government bods (presumably in all countries) who then, for 6 years or more can't see the possibility and didn't bother to run real tests. These genius are no "environment protection" anything. They're "guaranteed environment destruction" agencies.

It's notable too that private citizens have been none the wiser, effectively condemning themselves to believing officials and PR, sort of "modern belief in magic".

VW unacceptable, government even worse.

Secondly: "Fixing" the SDE (Software Defined Engine) gives the car owners something they may want less than a faked running mode. That's more expensive / less performant car operation (I think). These poor sods really want:

a) A new car

b) (second prize) compensation every year for the additional costs, until they get a new one. Maybe if the fuel grade is upped performance might come back, so that would cost VW even more.

Blessed are those who trust government to do anything right, for their rose tinted spectacles make even hell look super good.

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