Reply to post: Re: hmnn

Google literally dangles its new dongle in front of gasping TV audiences

Lee D Silver badge

Re: hmnn

Stop buying cheap junk TV's and dangling heavy stuff off them on highly-tensed cables. There is no design solution for such a thing that you would ever want to afford.

I run a 2m HDMI cable to the cupboard in which all the junk sits - supported by gravity and an invention called a "shelf" - so that the strain on the TV ports is zero, and the strain on the device ports is zero, and the strain on the cables is the weight of the cable itself. Hell, I even use cheap right-angle HDMI connectors on the TV because some bright-spark thought it was a good idea to hide HDMI at the rear in a tiny recess so all the cables poke out the back of their "ultra-thin" TV rather than plug in on a recess on the side that you could hide enough to not have anything visibly coming out the side of the TV. It gets in the way of the mounting bracket, so I had to use right-angles.

And my mounting bracket? It swings 1m from the wall, in any direction, facing any way because the only thing "stopping" it is one 2m HDMI cable that goes less than 0.5m to the cupboard.

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