Reply to post: In the long run spinning off the VW brand is not a good idea

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In the long run spinning off the VW brand is not a good idea

VW AG (VAG) has always prided itself, present circumstances aside, on the involvement of senior management in engineering. One commonly hears comments along the lines of "Daimler is run by people who used to be engineers, VW is run by people who are engineers".

If the senior managers become detached from the underlying brands they become far too involved in non car related matters, to the long term detriment of the group and its customers as a whole.

The best that can come out of this scandal is that passenger diesel cars are forgotten about as fast as possible, or the scientists and government policy makers who colluded to redefine what pollution is are consigned to oblivion and a more accurate measure of pollution is used, if such a thing is possible.

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