Reply to post: Re: I guess even Microsoft is starting to get the picture

Is Windows 10 slurping too much data? No, says Microsoft. Nuh-uh. Nope

Mark 85

Re: I guess even Microsoft is starting to get the picture

It's already happening. I went into Best Buy to see about a new laptop for my lady.. All they had was Windows10 machines and not a soul looking at them. People came in took one look , asked about Win7 being available and then went to the Mac aisle. Me, I went online and found what she want (new) with Win7. We'll be using her old one to test Linux Mint and various legacy programs*).

I think the word is getting around except there are those that don't understand or care about the data slurp and the headaches. I did ask the sales droid who seemed rather knowledgeable and looked up what he didn't know about various programs. Fully half my programs that ran under Win7 won't run on Win10.

*Yes, programs. Applications are either corporate speak or phone speak, IMO.

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