Reply to post: Re: Wasn't HTML5 supposed to fix all this?

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Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

Re: Wasn't HTML5 supposed to fix all this?

rvt begins to answer the question: idots can't write great apps with zero effort.

A second problem is the Android legacy. The Android 4.0.4 browser really didn't perform well and made writing fluid apps tricky. (There were some hacks; but it will suddenly stall.) And 4.4 is the first version of Android to have threads so you were using the UI thread for everything (although I think the design of the threading API promotes good design). As of Android 5.0 the browser updates independently of the OS. And latest versions of Chrome perform really well; there's no trouble.

Similarly Apple were slow in providing a decent javascript engine. (The app would run faster in Safari than as a standalone app because Nitro was only available in Safari.)

But I'm doing polynomials with hundreds of terms and the performance is fine on a modern OS. And Animation is great if you use the new APIs.

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