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Hacktivists congratulate Daily Show's Jon Stewart via Donald Trump's website

Richard Altmann


quite sure, he will not get many votes from the thousands of people who´s lifes where destroyed by his manyfolds deliberate bankruptcies. Now he is going for the big shot: Taking over the U.nhinged S.tupids of A.nalrica, turn it into some dubious company and file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. He might even get away with it by ruining the legistative structures, or what´s left of it, while he is in power. Retirering to his volcano lair with a bonus of some $trillion. Well, they won´t be worth much after he´s finished his business. Just make sure the bra of todays Playmate does not get tangled up with the push button of "The Suitcase". What a comedy. If it was a C-Movie.

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