Reply to post: Re: Hate RFID T-shirt passports

RFID wants to TRACK my TODGER, so I am going to CUT it OFF

Martin an gof Silver badge

Re: Hate RFID T-shirt passports

no one washes everything they own in 60C water

Rule-of-thumb in our house (2 adults, 4 children) is that unless it is wool, pretty much everything gets washed at 60C. If it doesn't survive, tough. We had enough trouble training the children to sort darks from lights or filthy-dirty sports kit from worn-once party outfit without also having to sort for 30C, 40C or 60C. A couple of years ago I worked out that our machine did an average of two large loads per day. When we were using washable nappies (95C cycle) it was more, and I suspect as the children are growing and using more and bigger clothes that if I did another census it would be well over two loads per day now.

There is the embedded-critters reason for 60C, but another is that we use a non-biological powder, partly for skin sensitivity reasons (and it smells less). Modern washing machines use so little water anyway that you are talking single-digit pennies difference per wash cycle between 40C and 60C.

Oh, and line-drying is the norm rather than the exception, despite the children complaining that it makes fresh towels "all scratchy". Personally I prefer a good, rough, line-dried towel to a soft, fluffy, tumble-dried one ;-)


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