Reply to post: Re: Why not a Pi

BBC Micro:bit delayed by power supply SNAFU

James Hughes 1

Re: Why not a Pi

With regard to the comment about the Pi being a specifically commercial venture.

This is not the case. The Raspberry Pi foundation is a charity, which fully owns the Raspberry Pi trading subsidiary which does the tech development. All profits go to the charity. The charity itself spends a HUGE amount of money of educational outreach, as it's says in it charity statement.They also fund development of relevant open source software (e.g. Scratch, Sonic Pi etc). In fact the charity is overwhelmed by demand for educational help and is expanding all the time to try and meet that demand. As an example of outreach, they fund a completely free training course for teachers, held once a month, which almost everyone who has been on it says is the best teacher training they have EVER been on.

So before making 'accusations', please look at the facts.

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