Reply to post: No-one likes ads

'To read this page, please turn off your ad blocker...'

Anonymous Coward

No-one likes ads

I'm sure that Ken Wheaton doesn't want to understand this, but no-one like ads. At all. Even in the pre-website days we all threw away all the magazine inserts (as a public service I used to remove the inserts from magazines I browsed in WHS).

I run everything in an ad blocker on my iMac at home; if a site doesn't work under this configuration, I don't visit it again. I'm hoping iOS 9 will finally let me do the same on my iThings. I used to read on my iPad: they thought full page intrusive ads were a great idea. As a potential consumer I disagree. They've lost a reader.

If you run a website that makes money from advertising, it's probably not a sustainable business model: the click/tap through rates must be truly appalling and I assume that ad agencies and folk like Ken Wheaton have so far managed to hide this uncomfortable fact from their clients (almost like theft really).

Content providers: get brave. If your content is worth anything, the market will pay. Ads are not the future.

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