Reply to post: Re: Victims?

British killer robot takes out two Britons in Syria strike

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Victims?

International law is simply not equipped to handle this kind of situation. IS is -last time I looked- not a recognised state. They can therefor not have a 'regular' army. Things like the Geneva or The Hague conventions can not be applied to it. These people ar either 'regular combattants' nor 'civilians' of the IS state.

Since they can not be tried as soldiers, it would mean that -in this case- they would have to be tried as British civilians. This would require issuing an international arrest warrant for them to be detained, followed by an extradition warrant for them to be brought back to the UK (that is IF they hold UK passports, and don't have some sort of dual nationality, which complicates matter somewhat).

But WHO would execute the arrest warrant in the IS overrun territories ? Who would you appeal to for an extradition request ? Not to put to fine a point on it, these people operate with inpunity as long as they are within IS held territory. There is simply no way to effectively bring them to justice and stop them misbehaving withing the existing legal frameworks.

That said, why do we insist offering these criminals the protection of the law when they themselves formally denounce the laws of the country from which they carry a passport and insist only their own law is valid and to be obeyed ? They made their bed. Lat them sleep in it. Preferably forever;

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