Reply to post: A phone that won't work outside of permanent and perfect internet coverage

The 100GB PHONE! Well, it has shades of Chrome, so not quite


A phone that won't work outside of permanent and perfect internet coverage

A few reasons why this is a load of crap:

- Even if I live in an area of near total internet coverage, I might actually travel elsewhere some times!

- A phone that will fail to spit up your data if the NSA's outsourced backup systems ever have a hickup.

- duration of not having accessed certain data has no bearing on its potential importance or simply a sudden need for it.

- Its sooo much easier to just stick a nice, big Micro-SD card in it.

- Its also generally better to keep control of your own stuff, once you are 18 years old. Its called self-determination or something along those lines.

- Telcos wanting to sell bigger data plans where the first to put up funding for this?

- If I want to offload my music library and swap in the book library, am I supposed to wait for strained networks to take hours, rather than just switch Micro SD cards in 5 seconds, without any hit to my data cap?

Go die in a fire. This is making everybody dependent, not independent.

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