Reply to post: Re: Idiots on the loose

America's crackdown on open-source Wi-Fi router firmware – THE TRUTH

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Idiots on the loose

>> The radio side of APs is already subject to regulatory control and signed firmware (manufacturers insist on it, as it's the only way they can get regulatory approval for the devices), so I'm not quite sure what the FCC is trying to achieve.

I'm not sure where you got this fact from. The OSS community would beg to differ.

Here is an example of wireless lan fw, radio and all, available to compile (and change) and no one certifies any of the changes.

"cp target_firmware/*.fw /lib/firmware/"

This is not the driver, this is the FW itself.

This FW is not used by any manufacturer officially. (The proprietary binary is used)

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