Reply to post: Re: Confused of Rochdale

Astroboffins EYEBALL 13 BEELLION-year-old galaxy far, far, farthest away from Earth

Adam T

Re: Confused of Rochdale

"So they universe is 13 billion years old (approx). We are seeing light that started 13 billion years ago. But surely 13b years ago we were all together (at the big bang). So, for the light/galaxy to be 13b years away now, 13b years ago we could not have been in the same place (or we would have seen it it then)."

13.7b years ago it was all together, as particle mush.

I've got no head for this level of science, but from what I've been trained to think by TV scientists is that the "bubble" had a very fast expansion phase early on - clearly enough for what must be a lot of galaxies to form within a half dozen billion years at least.

And I guess it's safe to say, what we think of as small is vast on a cosmic scale.

But who knows. Maybe what we think of as the birth of the Universe was just a localized event, and the actual (unobservable) universe is actually infinite. Ooo. Think I'll go make some breakfast now...

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