Reply to post: Re: Let me know when it works on computers.

Photoshop for 40 quid: Affinity Photo pushes pixels further than most

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Let me know when it works on computers.

Till then, stick with the MS Word clip art

I'll not downvote you for the snark, but it is a bit misguided. Tannin's comment was, for a lot of us, spot on.

I know that the Mac has some sort of unholy attraction for graphics people (e.g. my nephew) and I've pointed people in the direction of a Mac as their platform of choice in specific circumstances (yeah, yeah, I'll burn in Gehenna for that), alas, due to constraints beyond our immediate control, some of us have no choice but to do graphics related work with the beast that is MS windows, and (especially now) a £40 supported photoshopesque package would be a good thing (e.g. we could throw this to the PHB who is currently balking at paying the Adobe tax for newer versions of Photoshop - and I don't blame him).

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