Reply to post: Re: @LucreLout - This situation would happen anyway

Google robo-car suffers brain freeze after seeing hipster cyclist

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: @LucreLout - This situation would happen anyway

"SMIDSY is a consequence of the driver not looking and the rider not allowing them space & time to make a mistake."

Doesn't help if you're on a country lane doing under 20 and a cyclist comes round a bend going hell-for-leather on the wrong side of the road.

That happens regularly around here. Apparently the road rule about only going fast enough that you can stop in the clear viewing distance of the road ahead (half is there's no centreline) doesn't apply to them and nor does "keep left" or "use extra care on blind bends" (The posted speed limit is an upper limit. You can be ticketed for speeding at any velocity if the cop feels it was unsafe for prevailing conditions)

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