Reply to post: Re: Not implausible

French woman gets €800 a month for electromagnetic-field 'disability'


Re: Not implausible

I get that a lot from my old Macbook. Plug it in, let it warm up, then slide your hand over the flat part left from the trackpad, and you will very strongly feel the "field" (as you call it). It's a very weird feeling - it's as if you're rapping your hand over a wood plank that is vibrating quickly, except your skin reports it as smooth contact.

And it does not happen when the laptop is running on battery or when you and the power line are both properly grounded, because it's actually poor grounding leaking a little power back and playing with your nerves. Nothing to do with RF. And the effect is so much stronger on the Macbook just because the entire case is made of metal and conducive.

Try and test it ! It's fun, at least as long as you don't get burns.

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