Reply to post: Re: I'm sorry

You CAN'T jail online pirates for 10 years, legal eagles tell UK govt


Re: I'm sorry

>>The person who downvoted that comment

>>"So downloading a bunch of films is worth more than a kids life."

>>is a fucking idiot

I downvoted it. And did so because it's factually inaccurate and phrased to try and make this sound like something it isn't. You don't get two years for "downloading a bunch of films" nor will this amendment mean that you start to. And the maximum sentence for "Causing Death by Dangerous Driving" is 14 years. The poster is trying to make it sound like home piracy is treated more seriously than running someone over which is not the case. They either don't understand the law or, more likely, they're willing to misrepresent things with short sound-bites in order to bolster their preferred view. I bet they don't like it when politicians do that but they seem happy to do it themself.

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