Reply to post: Re: whattya gonna do when they come for you

You CAN'T jail online pirates for 10 years, legal eagles tell UK govt

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: whattya gonna do when they come for you

Or the TAW*s who really want Corbyn to lead them into the marshes. They exhibit skill levels and understanding levels of what really matters TV and chips.

Still when we all celebrate the advantages the Venezuelans enjoy from economic miss management with shortage of every (nationalised) product we can all jump for joy. Just stock up on a few essentials while you can, loo paper for example.

Of course everyone's hate figure Gove also wants to decriminalise the TV license mess, now which party was he from?

Will the numpty party of honourable lefties be after a left hand vs right hand law? Do a crime with your left hand and get 2 years, do it with your right hand and get 10 years. That was the level of the disparity involved with the present mess passing itself off as copyright laws.

Is that right? I doubt that should be the way things are.

*Tax and waste party who love extracting taxes and pouring them down hole in the ground, like coal mines

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