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Microsoft replaces Windows 10 patch update, isn't saying why

Michael Habel

I owe Websites like the Register a deep debt of gratitude the like of which a simple Thank you! just really doesn't cut it. Were it not for Sites like this that have the balls to say the thing that need to be said. Then I fear a lot more would have fallen pray to this bit of Malware a.k.a. Windows 10.

I'm sorry but, as much as I'm willing to go with the flow... Windows 7 will likely end up being my last MicroSoft OS. If I want to be treated as a brain dead fashionista then I'd get an iBook/Mac. That I really want to get back to the halcyon day of my yoof (C=64 BASIC), coding. I suspect that the simplest window here would be some Linux OS (Mint), and a gcc+ Complier. The only things I might need are a few Books from the Public Library. This has alway been something I've hated about MicroSofts PC Business. In that its nearly impossible to do any actual coding without the additional cost of some Software Package.

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