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Two weeks of Windows 10: Just how is Microsoft doing?

Michael Habel

they already have. its called win 7. quite why they have fucked with it so much is anyones guess.

Sans Office365... Which nobody really needs anyway.. Poor, wittle, pitiable MicroSoft just simply hasn't any way of monetizing your asse's. Without the the whole world going incandescent. I shudder to imagine waking up one day to find that the Chess Game on Windows 7 was plasters with- In-App Advertising. Which could be gotten rid of with a simple In-app-Purchase.

No this is the kinda crap you pull with Windows 10. And, quite frankly 10 Users are quite welcome to keep it! MicroSoft already got their Money from me on Windows 7, and I'm not quite on the page that my OS.. (Whatever it may be!), should in turn be a window to a cloudy SaaS App. Which has more privacy holes then a sieve.

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