Reply to post: he ain't drinking the Koolaid, he getting PAID!

'Fix these Windows 10 Horrors': Readers turn their guns on Redmond


he ain't drinking the Koolaid, he getting PAID!

Seriously go to any Windows 10 articles on the tech sites, the astroturf is insane. C-Net, Slashdot, you are suddenly seeing accounts that haven't posted since the release of Windows 8 all coming to life and singing the praises and shooting down any and all doubters..coincidence? Bullshit its good old fashioned ham fisted astroturfing!

So when you see somebody trying to shoot down all complaints with Windows 10? Look at their history, do they only have a couple posts per year? Are they all "on message" focused on this or that corp (as some astroturfers are for hire) with little deviation? Then you may be dealing with an astroturfer.

And if you don't think MSFT is bringing out the astroturf this round? I'm sorry but all you have to do is read the comments during the Win 10 beta and compare it to now. During the beta plenty of praise AND complaints went completely unnoticed, now during the release? Every.single.complaint. seems to be getting addressed by somebody spouting the company line, while using plenty of market speak like "services integration" and "user experience"....yeah MSFT is breaking out that big old wallet and trying to make sure the bad buzz doesn't give them another Windows 8, anybody that has hung out on the forums of some of the sites I named can easily spot the change in tone. It was the exact same with Windows 8/8.1. with their "UI innovations" and "removing the line between PC and tablet" and just as hamfisted.

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