Reply to post: Some facts on cost...

Petrol cars are dead in the water, says Tesla CTO waving numbers on the back of an envelope

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Some facts on cost...

Tesla Model S is not a cheap car. It's so expensive that 99+% of the adoring fan boys do not even own one. Because they can't afford it. Or because they secretly realize that it's not actually practical in their circumstances.

Musk originally stated that the Model S would effectively subsidize the follow on car, that was supposed to be the cheaper eco-box. But he reportedly failed to make enough money on the Model S, and so switched the 2nd car to be an SUV, where he can hopefully make some money. All this was in the news.

Eventually he'll stop making promises and start delivering cost effective transportation. I'm sure he will, ...eventually. I'd like to see it.

For those that would disagree with the above, do you think that Musk has been disappointed with anything at Tesla? Has he ever yelled at his managers? Well, that's all I'm referring to, so what are you disagreeing with?

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