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Americans care more about EU data protection laws than the French

Charlie Clark Silver badge
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The data protection watchdog has no formal role in the so-called trialogue negotiations (three-way talks between the EU Commish, Parl and Council)

It's sad to see El Reg turn into a kind of step-sister of the Daily Mail. You can't have trialogue negotiations. You could at a pinch call a conversation between three parties a "trialogue" but where's the value (apart from the neologism)? Much simple to say "tripartite negotiations" or "three-party negotiations".

As for "Commish" and "Parl", I guess it might be slightly amusing after a couple of drinks. But then why not go the whole hog and refer to the European Council as "Cunny"? No, it isn't really very funny is it.

The real story is how poorly funded and resourced the various data protection offices are especially in comparison to the multiple secret police that governments seem so keen on. Spying on the public is obviously the best way of protecting it.

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