Reply to post: Why not, Steve laddie ?

Feel like you're being herded onto Windows 10? Well, you should

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Why not, Steve laddie ?

Here's a list for you:

- I don't want anything to do with cloud

- I don't want Microsoft app store

- I don't need a search assistant

- I don't want modern (Metro) apps

- I don't want forced updates

to show you I'm not that negative, there is something I really want: the choice to turn off all those things mentioned above.

My Windows XP machines are running just fine for now (don't care much about security cause they're all VMs), I have enough licenses for Windows 7 that will remain untouched till 2020 and beyond. After that, I'll sell my soul to some *nix/*bsd that will fulfill my computing needs till I'm retired. Of course I will run Windows if they will pay me to do that.

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