Reply to post: Re: More Flash vunerabilites...

Decision time: Uninstall Adobe Flash or install yet another critical patch

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: More Flash vunerabilites...

> we shouldn't overlook the real problem, namely it is only being used as a route to exploit vulnerabilities in Windows...

It is so because 98% or so of the installed user base are running Windows. If you are in the business of desktop computer intrusion of course that's what you're going to target. Likewise, people trying to commandeer network servers go for Sendmail / Exim vulnerabilities instead, to put an example.

I don't know if you meant it this way, but your post sounds like one of those silly partisan rants about this or that product or operating system or whatever. Honestly dude, I haven't touched a Windows machine in years and I never owned one, but that's just what rocks my boat and I don't need to go preaching to other people about my this being better than your that. Do yourself a favour and get a life, will ya?

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