Reply to post: Re: Congratulations

Adam Smith was right about that invisible hand, you know

Charles 9

Re: Congratulations

"As fewer people are involved in production, more become involved in services."

But the problem with this scenario is that fewer people are becoming necessary in services, too. With more intelligent computerization, fewer people are needed to do the same amount of servicing. Bosses can now be their own secretaries, self-checkouts mean you need fewer clerks at the register while ordering tablets means less work for waiters in restaurants (meaning you need fewer waiters), web shops mean you don't need someone on the phone taking an order, and advanced inventory systems mean less human intervention is needed to place orders. It's going to take more specialized (and harder to obtain) skills in order to have a better footing in an increasingly computerized world, and many people (such as the anti-social with no "people" skills: one of the few skills resistant to computerization) will find they've hit the proverbial dead end.

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