Reply to post: Re: 23:44

KRAKKOOM! SpaceX Falcon supply mission to ISS EXPLODES minutes after launch


Re: 23:44

"something was expecting standard US units of inches per day"

No, it's changed, the standard is now furlongs per fortnight. It's much more poetic.

$ units

Currency exchange rates from on 2014-04-02

2866 units, 109 prefixes, 79 nonlinear units

You have: 1 inch/day

You want: furlong/fortnight

* 0.0017676768

/ 565.71429

You have:

One of the units supported by a liquid flow controller for which I wrote the firmware was acre-feet per fortnight. OK, though it rolls of the tongue in a lovely manner, it didn't make much sense for the size of the controller and the industry for which it was targetted. But that unit actually does make sense to somebody managing a reservoir.

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