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BT: Let us scrap ordinary phone lines. You've all got great internet, right?

Andrew Jones 2

I must have read or at least interpreted the article differently to everyone else. My understanding from the article wasn't that BT were going to shut down down the copper network the day after OFCOM agree to BT's request - but rather they would phase it out over the next 10 years - and the reason for the request is because OFCOM won't provide BT with the opportunity to make this request again - for another 10 years - by which time the telecoms landscape might look very different. For a start off the top of my head - if voice traffic is VoIP - there is no need for the copper to connect to the exchange - so the phone line would only need to run to the nearest Fibre cabinet and there would be no need for the interlink between POTS to the exchange and Fibre any more.

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