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Chrome, Debian Linux, and the secret binary blob download riddle

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"Binaries that were not compiled under your complete control should be considered compromised."

I run Gentoo on quite a few systems. That means that I generally have a fair idea what is on the system, mainly though having to fix some snags that are frankly ... interesting. However, on the laptop I'm typing this, I've got EIX_LIMIT=0 eix -I --only-names | nl = 1956 separate bits of software. NEARLY 2000 lumps of code from a few Kb to LibreOffice which really isn't a few Kb and stresses a Core i7 for nearly an hour!

I actually know the shape of many of those things flying through autotools, moc, gcc and lots of other things, streaming through my alpha blended konsoles, rendered on the side of an eight sided "cube" when I get bored.

I still don't trust much of it - how can I? I still use it though 8)

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