Reply to post: Damn machines only 2 legs and arms short of taking over the world.

Oh, shoppin’ HELL: I’m in the supermarket of the DAMNED

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Damn machines only 2 legs and arms short of taking over the world.

I thought I had found a good way to get rid of a piggy bank full of copper coins - pour them into the CoOp self-service machine by way of payment. It worked, eventually (after churning away for a while counting and sorting), and I was considerably lighter afterwards.

However, it knows who am I, like all the other customers who key in share numbers for the divvy. It seems to have remembered my deluge of small coins and has marked me down as a troublemaker - from the next visit to the CoOp onwards it has been giving me change in as many small coins as it can, by way of revenge, so I'm collecting change even faster than before. It's going to be a vicious circle :)

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