Reply to post: Re: us military why?

We stand on the brink of global cyber war, warns encryption guru

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: us military why?

"The US military, in spite of the stereotypes, aren't idiots. They face enemies who have never heard of things like the Geneva convention. These enemies are committed to the idea of "Might makes right," "history is written by the winners," and "the end justifies the means." IOW, the US faces enemies who believe in total war with no taboos: no rules. How does one fight an enemy who's not afraid to use ANYTHING in their arsenal (including CHEATING) to get you?"

Oh dear...where to start?

Napalm? Agent Orange? Invading foreign soils without just and legal recourse? Did you honestly just use "might is right" outside of the context of the US military? Do you even comprehend WHY the USA are so often despised?

Cheating? In war? "Oh I say! You shot me with a sniper rifle and didn't let me know you were there!"

Or how about killing innocent bystanders with drones? Or Nukes?

Expand outside the military - extraordinary rendition? Torture? Mass surveillance? Treating your own citizens like terrorists 'just in case' ?

I'm not massively anti-US despite the tone of this post, but the sheer, utter, trolling ridiculousness of your brainwashed idiotic, cretinous post couldn't go unanswered.

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