Reply to post: Re: "you might expect The Register to illustrate this story with an animated .gif of its own"

Welp, PEAK GIF is upon us! Facebook now supports animated images

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "you might expect The Register to illustrate this story with an animated .gif of its own"

I see no Hero Images anymore since I installed the FF plugin "Remove this Permanently" so you can hide bits of websites you don't like.

Now, if I could only find a way to stop the divs with fixed position staying in place when I scroll. I absolutely detest websites that 'permanently' fix logos/menu navigation to your browser window so they stay where they are when you scroll down, often obscuring the bits of page you're reading/looking at and almost always making the browser view window smaller, but the absolute worst thing about them is when doing pinch-zoom on FF on Android they still stay in place but get bigger and take up so much more of the viewing area.

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