Reply to post: Re: Why is this 'news'...

Shuttleworth delivers death blow in Umbongoland dispute


Re: Why is this 'news'...

This is news because Canonical/Ubuntu prides itself to be the kings of 'community' yet has over the past few years screwed up so often that incompetence of that nature is spectacular to see.

Canonical might think itself as some collaboration gurus but "Jimmy doenst play well with other kids" is the first thing youd write on their report card.

I think any bunch of developers who ask for clarifications and are dragged along for 2.5 to 4yrs (depending on accounts) will start being a bit testy and worry about whether there are other reasons to delay this info for YEARS which by the way is one of the things you cant do.

You have to assume good intentions to be in good standing with the Buntus. Thinking that a wait of a few years to some basic and fundamentals problems is perhaps an indication of something else is FORBIDDEN but you can very easily see why people would start feeling taht way.

In their over the top response, Canonical has only confirmed some people beliefs that there wasnt good intentions. But thats Canonical, horrible at PR, horrible at working with other communities that make up the GNU-LInux desktop yet still proud like a peacock at how good they think they are.

THATS why this is news. We love seeing car crashes unfold and Canonical has been amusing us quite a bit with how inept they are at something they claim to be good at.

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