Reply to post: Re: further back in time than the genesis of life described in the Good Book.

Hardcore creationist finds 60-million-year-old fossils in backyard ... 'No, it hasn’t changed my mind about the Bible'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: further back in time than the genesis of life described in the Good Book.

" The 6000 years is based on uneducated simplistic interpretation."

It was actually based on calculations by highly educated people (including Newton). The problem is that it started from the premise that the Bible was the absolute, correct and literal word of God. This is basically a Protestant error which arose from the idea that an end run could be done around the Catholic Church by constructing your own religion from the text of the Bible.

It's a testimony to the ability of humans to delude themselves for, basically, political reasons (sidelining the Pope, France and Spain.) Meanwhile in the 21st century US, nonsense is preached as better than science also for political reasons - to keep Republicans in power. Little changes.

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