Reply to post: Re: So what did YOU do then ?

Windows and OS X are malware, claims Richard Stallman

SImon Hobson Bronze badge

Re: So what did YOU do then ?

> You can't use a GPL3 library, because if you do, it makes your entire project GPL3.

Your first statement is wrong, just simply wrong. The rest of your errors fail from that point on.

Go and actually read the documentation available and find out what the real situation is.

If you *incorporate* GPL code into your "blob" then yes, you have to release the source for your "blob" under GPL. That is also true if you statically link the library into your blob.

But if you simply *use* a library, and don't statically link it in then you do not have to release your own code under GPL. That much is made very clear (somewhere, can't tell you exactly as it's a while since I last had to look it up).

I would suggest that anyone who is competent enough to be let loose writing code should be capable of understand that dynamically linking in a library doesn't make that library *part of your code*.

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