Reply to post: Re: Aye

Jeb Bush: Repeal Obamacare and replace it with APPLE WATCHES


Re: Aye

"Though lets face it, the American health system is already a mess. My friend is unable to pay for health insurance (Obamacare) so as she is unable to get insurance, she is going to be fined, what sort of country will fine people who can't afford medical care? Where do they think they will get the money from? I despair." - that doesn't sound right.

Obamacare reduces the costs of health insurance. Everyone, except a few exempt groups, is entitled to health insurance at a cost they can afford. If you can't afford the insurance being offered there are Federal subsidies that help defray the costs.

Now the question becomes, which avenue did your friend use to obtain health insurance? The private market place or the Obamacare website? If the private health market place, then the costs are just ridiculous; if the Obamacare website (or State equivalent) then the costs are tailored to your income (as detailed on your last Federal income tax return)- though they don't take into account your own personal debts/repayments and so on. Or, has this friend actually been on the Obamacare website or relied on a private health insurance broker to obtain the necessary quotes?

Your statement sounds just too pat and familiar...

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