Reply to post: Re: Haha: "The effect of actually leaving is nothing." worst@all

So what would the economic effect of leaving the EU be?

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Haha: "The effect of actually leaving is nothing." worst@all

@ Levente Szileszky

"Yep, I dare you, rather double-dare you: stop "threatening" and just do it. It's going to be an never-ending source of fun as you fools will try to explain why it's all great when your economy, taxes, businesses etc will all start dropping..."

You are aware that our costs go down too? We have a massive deficit in funding for education, health, housing and in general. How is that improved by unlimited immigration with no selective process? Londons financial powerhouse being attacked by the EU because various regulations wouldnt affect them as much. Even the toxic crippling of Greece and the racism rising due to it between Greece and Germany. How do we benefit from that? Your argument falls further as France dropped out of economic capability to be replaced with socialist insanity and the EU was reluctant to enforce the rules because France is big. Why when the UK mention leaving do we have every begging bowl country of the EU insisting we should stay? And of course the Euro which has not been a success story so far.

"no offense but you wouldn't even be able to compete with Germany alone, forget adding anyone else to the mix"

I dont remember the UK needing the EU to join the bank of china. And since the EU has yet to demonstrate an improvement of negotiation we couldnt do on our own we dont seem to be gaining for our money. Of course your self congratulating club can feel good but only if its in the rich states not the poor ones. We can be fairly sure that Greece would be in a better position had it not been sucked in and sucked dry.

"Wake up, your economy is already ridiculously London-centered, finance-heavy, what do you think what's going to happen when you lose free access to the EU market and money stops being laundered by crooked banks in the City because they won't be in the EU anymore, hmm...?"

You seem to forget that the EU was targeting banks with more regulation and has (and probably still is) looking at ideas to fleece more money from them, but only the big banks like the ones who prefer London to those other EU places. Hmm

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