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That DRM support in Firefox you never asked for? It's here

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"It's amazing how so many people can consider content producers to be greedy and money-obsessed beyond belief, and yet think they spend tens of millions on DRM methods or turn down sales models just for the Hell of it. The reason they put so much money into DRM (and remember, it's not only the technology but all the administrative work that goes with it), is because of piracy. When your work gets shared in the millions online without you getting paid for it, looking for counter-measures is inevitable."

Perhaps the money angle in movies is more sensitive than it is in music. Movies, after all, have bigger budgets and therefore a higher break-even point. Movie numbers are subjected to higher scrutiny, especially in the mainstream media (box office numbers are spouted each week, determining whether or not a new release is a boom or bomb). Perhaps moviegoers are more fickle for anything but franchises, meaning movie returns can be volatile and the odds of any given movie turning a profit more uncertain. Just saying that if movie companies guard their stuff more rigorously than music companies, perhaps they have reason to believe that taking down the walled garden will let in more mob than moneymaker (After all, how do you beat FREE?).

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