Reply to post: Re: Paying for what you don't use

Chill, luvvies. The ‘unsustainable’ BBC Telly Tax stays – for now


Re: Paying for what you don't use

It could even try making proper science documentaries again that don't involve that mop-haired muppet from d:ream having to go to the top of some mountain in Chile to film a 10 second shot explaining something that a info-graphic and a voice over would have done in a less distracting manner on Horizon 20 years ago.

A million times this!

Same applies to BBC radio news where they send a reporter to interview (eg) some random cafe owner and insist on putting sounds of clinking cups and steaming espresso machines in the background (obviously not recorded during the interview) when it could just be a phone interview and save hundreds/thousands.

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