Reply to post: Re: The BBC helps keep program standards up

Chill, luvvies. The ‘unsustainable’ BBC Telly Tax stays – for now


Re: The BBC helps keep program standards up

Can't help but agree with your sentiments.

Consider how convoluted a consumer affairs programme would be on advert paid TV as they could only ever slate products from companies that don't advertise with them, or are ever likely to.

Top Gear would be just a back slapping fest with no product slagging or negative content what-so-ever.

Hardly what I would call informative, if the true picture is obscured by worries over upsetting the sponsors, not unlike the current state where the government feels empowered to replace the balance of the BBC with an ethical black hole, because they hold the money and they want a different tune.

Perhaps we should remind our masters, it's actually OUR money you're using in a threatening manner?

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