Reply to post: Re: Evidence == "Invasion of Privacy!"

SHOCK! Robot cars do CRASH. Because other cars have human drivers

Notas Badoff

Re: Evidence == "Invasion of Privacy!"

I commented on another article weeks ago, mentioning something that just doesn't seem to have, um, registered yet.

I have to believe that all these cars have a cameras trained on many different angles to capture not only the telemetry by which they navigate, but also to capture the "what happened" for review. That that review would be as interesting to the law and insurance companies and others seems to have been skipped over.

I use as my jumping off point all the brouhaha over Google's StreetView and everybody screaming about invasion of privacy. They were even sued when mistakenly driving down someone's driveway.

Now how many cars do you think StreetView had active at any one time? And how many times do they come back and re-do views? (They've redone my street once in 5+ years)

Now what about when half the cars in the West are instrumented to continuously record everything going on around them? All the time and everywhere? There will be no privacy on streets. (Whether I'm for or against the concept of "privacy in public" is moot, but some feel quite strongly about this)

Why haven't I seen any mention of this?

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