Reply to post: Re: Back of an envelope calculations

Tesla's battery put in the shade by current and cheaper kit

Bronek Kozicki

Re: Back of an envelope calculations

You are onto something, but there is a limit of how many lead batteries you can have in a given area, due to their weight. If foundations (and floors) of your home are not designed to take the weight of lead batteries in little space, you will be risking structural integrity of the building by putting too many batteries in one place. In other words, unless the building has been designed specifically for this, you cannot really make much use of this great energy density of lead batteries. Although of course, you can put these to some use and 10kWh does not seem like unreasonable figure - assuming this is not hung on a wall or put in tall tower on the floor with small footprint.

As for charging cycles, in case of lithium based batteries it actually depends on how much a battery ever gets discharged. If the limit is at 50% (as opposed to standard over 80%) then you can virtually cycle the thing in perpetuity, with only little loss of efficiency (say, 20% as opposed to 50% after 1000 cycles). I do not know how charge cycles are limited in lead batteries though, perhaps someone will enlighten me.

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