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Snowden scandal latest: NSA, GCHQ lingo-spies replaced by unstoppable RHINEHART robots

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Hold on...

Pashtun (Pashto? Where did you get that?) is at least semi-tonal and extremely heavily contextual, even more so than Arabic. I tried to learn it but ended up relying on our local translators* as accents change wildly from village to village. You're looking at an insane amount of false positives from any software "solution" to this unless it's absolutely supergenius-level software and frankly, I have my doubts about that.

Not many trained military translators write software. I know this because I'm one of the not many and I know none of my colleagues are up to this task and neither am I.

(* Who, by the way, have been treated appallingly by the Army and HMG. Automatic citizenship for a year's tour would be fair. What we do to those people and their families is barbaric).

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