Reply to post: Re: You listening Microsoft?

Good luck displacing Windows 7, Microsoft, it's still growing

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: You listening Microsoft?

"New PCs will come with some hardware that old versions of Windows won't support."

Nope. Lots of PCs still ship with Win7. Anything that doesn't have Win7 capability won't sell well.

"the latest version of your business critical app will only work with the latest version of Windows"

Nope. XP, Win7. Who (in business) cares about 8 or 10? Any business app provider that didn't support Win7 would be committing commercial suicide.

"the fix for some newly discovered exploit that's been a ticking timebomb in the code base since 3.11 is not going to get back-ported to XP."

XP's kinda sorta on the way out, slowly. 7's coming in, slowly. 8 and 10 ? Nobody cares. Nobody outside the MS-dependent ecosystem anyway.

Interesting times.

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