Reply to post: Re: not rocket science

Boeing 787 software bug can shut down planes' generators IN FLIGHT

An ominous cow heard

Re: not rocket science

""Checking the design and implementation for things like arithmetic overflows isn't exactly rocket science either." (me)

But it is aerospace system engineering" (you)

It sure is, and one might hope that its importance was widely recognised. Does experience generally match the theory?

In the "systems engineering" department I'm most familiar with, the importance was recognised in name but not in reality. There was one actual systems engineering graduate and a variety of "systems engineers" from other backgrounds. Good people to have on the team, but not necessarily real "systems engineers".

If the department was desperate enough for manpower, almost anybody (of whatever background) from almost anywhere in the company could become a "systems engineer" overnight.

Is that really an approach that the industry should be adopting?

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