Reply to post: Re: "dude who codes websites in PHP"

Boeing 787 software bug can shut down planes' generators IN FLIGHT

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "dude who codes websites in PHP"

"this is a problem that could and should have been identified and eliminated before entry into service, but it wasn't." (me)

"This is probably coming from some dude who codes websites in PHP and get his requirements from a 5-second chat in doorframes..." (you)

Guess again.

Remember DEFSTD 00/55? I used to.

Know much about 178C (as well as B)? I used to.

Got any safety critical code flying? I still do; stuff I wrote in the 1980s that is still out there.

I barely know what PHP is except it seems to be popular as a security vulnerability exploitation vector.

Even so, if some presentation layer person made the comment I made about it being a defect that could and should have been detected and fixed before entry into service, does the comment's oriigin make the comment wrong? It's not the messenger that matters, it's the message.

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