Reply to post: Re: As much as an MS fanboi that i am,

Windows 10 Device Guard: Microsoft's effort to keep malware off PCs

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

Re: As much as an MS fanboi that i am,

Since SMM in some intel chips has been cracked and SMM can do whatever it damn well pleases and not even a hypervisor can stop it - this is all just playing to the crowds.

Excessively reductive. An IOMMU-protected watchdog still prunes a significant portion of the attack tree, even if SMM represents a way around it. There is certainly plenty of non-SMM-based malware out there, and there will continue to be such malware for the foreseeable future.

Security is about cost transfer under threat models. It's not about perfect solutions. I don't know why some people find that concept so difficult.

No software security mechanism protects against suborning an authorized user. That doesn't mean no all software security is a waste of time.

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