Reply to post: Re: Google reminds of Microsoft of old

Google pulls plug on YouTube for older iPads, iPhones, smart TVs

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Google reminds of Microsoft of old

Google reminds of the Microsoft of old.

Loads of money and personality disorder.

You forgot to mention the total disregard for ethics and pesky laws that might get in the way of earning money.

Yes, I spotted that a while back too (back in the days when GrokLaw still naïvely thought they were brilliant because they said "Do no evil"), but I'd say they're actually worse. MS has never tried to spy on the population other than for license purposes, whereas Google has IMHO* absolutely no problem with doing that if they can get away with it.

* Added for legal purposes. For those who watch "Have I Got News", this is the Internet equivalent of "allegedly" :)

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