Reply to post: Re: Trading Standards

Trading Standards pokes Amazon over 'libellous' review

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Trading Standards

"They have no business censoring or editing the review and are not liable for what its' posters say."

No business at all?

You linked a trial about private citizens, you'll have to link a case about how if party A. (Amazon) makes a profit off of party B. (the seller), how party A. can in no way be responsible for the profit of party B. I do see what you mean, but if someone rented a store in a mall, would the mall just allow people to wrongfully protest outside that store, with no responsibility? Maybe, if the mall somehow had an EULA for this specific case, so does this mall (Amazon) have one? If it does, obviously you or no one else can't hide the fact that that's a shitty mall.

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